Geranium Years


How many years has it been since we trekked downtown on Mothers Day, with a few dollars in our hands, to buy the red geraniums? How much did we pay? Were they a dollar for each? Fifty cents?

How long has it been since the old, old man who lived in our town, who had a little greenhouse and raised red geraniums, came to mind? Was he really that old or just seemed so at the time? 

How long ago was it that he handed us the clay pots that held the red geraniums in exchange for the dollars that paid for them? How many did we buy? More than one. Two or three? Maybe four?

How many years, days, hours has it been since we carried the red geraniums in their rough clay pots back across the highway that leads up the valley in one direction and to the Big Town in the other? How long since we followed the sidewalk that ran past the grade school proudly carrying home the potted red geraniums.

When years add upon years, remembrance becomes fuzzy, many details a blur. But vivid in memory from those long ago days are rough clay pots on Mothers Day and the scent of red geraniums.

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12 Responses to Geranium Years

  1. maillady says:

    Wonderful memories indeed. Wishing you a room-full of geraniums on this sunny Mothers Day!

  2. Marge says:

    Beautiful, Patricia–words and images both…I wish you lots of red geraniums for Mothers Day!

  3. Terry says:

    What a great post. Happy Mother\’s Day.

  4. Beth says:

    I loved this Pat. I hope today has been an extra special Mother\’s Day for you.Hugs,Beth

  5. Michiko's says:

    A beautiful post, Happy Mother\’s Day for you.BIG HUGS,Michiko

  6. Sherry says:

    I really enjoyed this. Ah the memories and good ones too. Happy Mother\’s Day!

  7. GreatGranny says:

    Loved the walk down memory lane. I hope you\’ve had a good Mother\’s Day.

  8. Michiko's says:

    We can looking back for many years 🙂 and I was shock for the price of plants at the nursery… A good old days:-)You have a peaceful time my friend,Michiko

  9. Lady says:

    Ah marvellous memories, and those pots are so familiar, with red Geraniums being the most favorite of brilliant flowers. Thank you for the glimpse back into the past. Penx

  10. Lynne says:

    Love the images and the thoughts that go with them. Hope you\’re having a beautiful spring in the valley.

  11. Michiko's says:

    Hi Pat,I love to see the beautiful the valley and bak road with willlow tree??How is your G- daughter? Please take care,Michiko

  12. Mei's says:

    Thank you Pat, nice to see you popped in, hope all is well, have a good Sunday with all your love one. Mei

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